Signing Repository Metadata

You will require a custom GPG key to be able to sign repository metadata.

Procedure: Generating a Custom GPG Key
  1. As the root user, use the gpg command to generate a new key:

    gpg --gen-key
  2. At the prompts, select RSA as the key type, with a size of 2048 bits, and select an appropriate expiry date for your key. Check the details for your new key, and type y to confirm.

  3. At the prompts, enter a name and email address to be associated with your key. You can also add a comment to help you identify the key, if desired. When you are happy with the user identity, type O to confirm.

  4. At the prompt, enter a passphrase to protect your key.

  5. The key should be automatically added to your keyring. You can check by listing the keys in your keyring:

    gpg --list-keys
  6. Add the password for your keyring to the /etc/rhn/signing.conf configuration file, by opening the file in your text editor and adding this line:


You can manage metadata signing on the command line using the mgr-sign-metadata-ctl command.

Procedure: Enabling Metadata Signing
  1. You will need to know the short identifier for the key to use. You can list your available public keys in short format:

    gpg --keyid-format short --list-keys
    pub   rsa2048/3E7BFE0A 2019-04-02 [SC] [expires: 2021-04-01]
    uid         [ultimate] SUSE Manager
    sub   rsa2048/118DE7FF 2019-04-02 [E] [expires: 2021-04-01]
  2. Enable metadata signing with the mgr-sign-metadata-ctl command:

    mgr-sign-metadata-ctl enable 3E7BFE0A
    OK. Found key 3E7BFE0A in keyring.
    DONE. Set key 3E7BFE0A in /etc/rhn/signing.conf.
    DONE. Enabled metadata signing in /etc/rhn/rhn.conf.
    DONE. Exported key 4E2C3DD8 to /srv/susemanager/salt/gpg/mgr-keyring.gpg.
    DONE. Exported key 4E2C3DD8 to /srv/www/htdocs/pub/mgr-gpg-pub.key.
    NOTE. For the changes to become effective run:
       mgr-sign-metadata-ctl regen-metadata
  3. You can check that your configuration is correct with this command:

    mgr-sign-metadata-ctl check-config
  4. Restart the services and schedule metadata regeneration to pick up the changes:

    mgr-sign-metadata-ctl regen-metadata

You can also use the mgr-sign-metadata-ctl command to perform other tasks. Use mgr-sign-metadata-ctl --help to see the complete list.

Repository metadata signing is a global option. When it is enabled, it is enabled on all software channels on the server. This means that all clients connected to the server will need to trust the new GPG key to be able to install or update packages.

Procedure: Importing GPG keys on Clients
  1. For RPM-based client systems, use these remote commands:

    rpm --import
    rpm --import
  2. For Ubuntu clients, you will need to reassign the channels, which will automatically pick up the new GPG key. You can do this through the SUSE Manager Web UI, or from the command line on the server with this command:

    salt <ubuntu-client> state.apply channels
  3. OPTIONAL: For Salt clients, you might prefer to use a state to manage your GPG keys.