
Registering clients is the first step after installing SUSE Manager, and most of the time you spend with SUSE Manager will be spent on maintaining those clients.

SUSE Manager is compatible with a range of client technologies: you can install traditional or Salt clients, running SUSE Linux Enterprise or another Linux operating system, with a range of hardware options.

For a complete list of supported clients, see installation:client-requirements.adoc.

This guide discusses how to register and configure different clients, both manually and automatically.

Compare Traditional and Salt Clients

This table lists the availability of various features for traditional and Salt clients. The icons in this table indicate:

  • the feature is available

  • the feature is not available.

  • the feature is under consideration, and may or may not be made available at a later date

Table 1. Features of Traditional and Salt Clients
Feature Notes Traditional Salt


Install Packages

Apply Patches

Remote Commands

System Package States

System Custom States

Group Custom States

Organization Custom States

System Set Manager

Service Pack Migration

Virtual Host Management

Virtual Guest Installation

System Redeployment

With Auto-installation

Contact Methods

Between server and client

osad, rhnsd, ssh push

zeromq (Salt default), salt-ssh

SUSE Manager Proxy

Action Chains

Software Crash Reporting

Duplicate Package Reporting

SCAP Auditing

Support for Multiple Organizations

Package Verification

System Locking

Configuration File Management

Snapshots and Profiles

(Profiles are supported, sync is not)

Power Management