Systems Audit Page

To display a system’s audit page, click Systems  system_name  Audit. Use this page to schedule and view compliance scans for a particular system. Scans are performed by the OpenSCAP tool, which implements NIST’s standard Security Content Automation Protocol (SCAP). Before you scan a system, make sure that the SCAP content is prepared and all prerequisites in Prerequisites for Using OpenSCAP in SUSE Manager are met.

List Scans

This subtab lists a summary of all scans completed on the system. The following columns are displayed:

XCCDF Test Result

The scan test result name, which provides a link to the detailed results of the scan.


The exact time the scan finished.


The unweighted pass/fail ratio of compliance based on the Standard used.


Number of checks that passed.


Number of checks that failed.


Number of errors that occurred during the scan.




Not applicable to the machine.


Not checked.


Not Selected.






Total number of checks.

Each entry starts with an icon indicating the results of a comparison to a previous similar scan. The icons indicate the following:

  • "RHN List Checked" Icon — no difference between the compared scans.

  • "RHN List Alert" Icon — arbitrary differences between the compared scans.

  • "RHN List Error" Icon — major differences between the compared scans. Either there are more failures than the previous scan or less passes

  • "RHN List Check In" Icon — no comparable scan was found, therefore, no comparison was made.

To find out what has changed between two scans in more detail, select the ones you are interested in and click Compare Selected Scans  ] . To delete scans that are no longer relevant  select those and click on menu:Remove Selected Scans[ . Scan results can also be downloaded in CSV format.

Scan Details

The Scan Details page contains the results of a single scan. The page is divided into two sections:

Details of the XCCDF Scan

This section displays various details about the scan, including:

  • File System Path: the path to the XCCDF file used for the scan.

  • Command-line Arguments: any additional command-line arguments that were used.

  • Profile Identifier: the profile identifier used for the scan.

  • Profile Title: the title of the profile used for the scan.

  • Scan’s Error output: any errors encountered during the scan.

XCCDF Rule Results

The rule results provide the full list of XCCDF rule identifiers, identifying tags, and the result for each of these rule checks. This list can be filtered by a specific result.

Schedule Audit

Use the Schedule New XCCDF Scan page to schedule new scans for specific machines. Scans occur at the system’s next scheduled check-in that occurs after the date and time specified. The following fields can be configured:

Command-line Arguments

Optional arguments to the oscap command, either:

  • --profile PROFILE: Specifies a particular profile from the XCCDF document.

    Profiles are determined by the Profile tag in the XCCDF XML file. Use the oscap command to see a list of profiles within a given XCCDF file, for example:

    # oscap info /usr/local/share/scap/dist_sles12_scap-sles12-oval.xml
    Document type: XCCDF Checklist
    Checklist version: 1.1
    Status: draft
    Generated: 2015-12-12
    Imported: 2016-02-15T22:09:33
    Resolved: false
    Profiles: SLES12-Default

    If not specified, the default profile is used. Some early versions of OpenSCAP in require that you use the --profile option or the scan will fail.

  • --skip-valid: Do not validate input and output files. You can use this option to bypass the file validation process if you do not have well-formed XCCDF content.

Path to XCCDF Document

This is a required field. The path parameter points to the XCCDF content location on the client system. For example: /usr/local/share/scap/dist_sles12_scap-sles12-oval.xml

The XCCDF content is validated before it is run on the remote system. Specifying invalid arguments can cause spacewalk-oscap to fail to validate or run. Due to security concerns, the oscap xccdf eval command only accepts a limited set of parameters.

For information about how to schedule scans using the Web UI , refer to: Procedure: Scans via the Web Interface