Salt SSH

Salt SSH allows Salt commands and states to be issued directly over SSH. SSH connections are created on demand, when the server executes an action on a client.

For more information about Salt SSH, see

SSH Connection Methods

In SUSE Manager there are two SSH connection methods, ssh-push and ssh-push-tunnel. In both methods the server initiates an SSH connection to the client to execute a Salt call.

In the ssh-push method, the package manager works as normal, and the HTTP or HTTPS connection is directly created.

In the ssh-push-tunnel method, the server creates an HTTP or HTTPS connection through an SSH tunnel. The HTTP connection initiated by the package manager is redirected through the tunnel using /etc/hosts aliasing. Use this method for in-place firewall environments that block HTTP or HTTPS connections between server and client.

Salt SSH Integration

As with all Salt calls, SUSE Manager invokes salt-ssh via the salt-api.

Salt SSH relies on a roster to obtain details such as hostname, ports, and the SSH parameters of a client. { SUSE Manager keeps these details in the database and makes them available to Salt by generating a temporary roster file for each Salt SSH call. The location of the temporary roster file is supplied to salt-ssh using the --roster-file= option.


Salt SSH supports both password and key authentication. SUSE Manager uses both methods:

Password authentication is used only when bootstrapping. During the bootstrap step the key of the server is not authorized on the client and therefore a password must be used for a connection to be made. The password is used transiently in a temporary roster file used for bootstrapping. This password is not stored.

All other common Salt calls use key authentication. During the bootstrap step the SSH key of the server is authorized on the client and added to the client’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. Subsequent calls no longer require a password.

User Account

The user for Salt SSH calls made by SUSE Manager is taken from the ssh_push_sudo_user setting. By default, the user is root.

If the value of ssh_push_sudo_user is not root, then the --sudo options of salt-ssh are used.

HTTP Redirection

The ssh-push-tunnel method requires traffic to be redirected through an SSH tunnel. This allows traffic to bypass firewalls blocking a direct connection between the client and the server.

This is achieved by using port 1233 in the repository URL:


You can alias the suma-server hostname to localhost in /etc/hosts:       localhost    suma-server

The server creates a reverse SSH tunnel that connects localhost:1233 on the client to suma-server:443:

ssh ... -R 1233:suma-server:443

This means that the package manager will actually connect to localhost:1233, which is then forwarded to suma-server:443 by the SSH tunnel.

The package manager can contact the server only if the tunnel is open, which occurs only when the server executes an action on the client.

Manual package manager operations that require server connectivity are not possible in this case.

Call Sequence

Salt SSH calls run in this sequence:

  1. Prepare the Salt roster for the call

    1. Create remote port forwarding option if the contact method is ssh-push-tunnel

    2. Compute the ProxyCommand if the client is connected through a proxy

    3. Create Roster content

  2. Create a temporary roster file

  3. Execute a synchronous salt-ssh call using the API

  4. Remove the temporary roster file

The roster content contains:

  • hostname

  • user

  • port

  • remote_port_forwards: The remote port forwarding SSH option

  • ssh_options: Other ssh options:

    • ProxyCommand: If the client connects through a proxy

  • timeout: defaults to 180 seconds

  • minion_opts:

    • master: Set to the minion ID if the contact method is ssh-push-tunnel

Bootstrap Sequence

Salt SSH is used to bootstrap Salt clients. This happens for both regular and SSH clients.

The bootstrap sequence differs slightly from other Salt SSH calls.

  1. For a regular Salt client, generate and pre-authorize the Salt key of the client

  2. For an SSH client, if a proxy was selected, retrieve the SSH public key of the proxy using the mgrutil.chain_ssh_cmd runner. The runner copies the public key of the proxy to the server using SSH. If needed it can chain multiple SSH commands to reach the proxy across multiple hops.

  3. Generate pillar data for bootstrap.

  4. If contact method is ssh-push-tunnel, fill the remote port forwarding option.

  5. If the client connects through a proxy, compute the ProxyCommand option. This depends on the path used to connect to the proxy. For example, server to proxy1 to proxy2 to client.

  6. Generate the roster for bootstrapping into a temporary file.

  7. Execute this command using the Salt API:

    salt-ssh --roster-file=<temporary_bootstrap_roster> minion state.apply certs,<bootstrap_state>`

    For bootstrap_state, use bootstrap for regular clients or ssh_bootstrap for SSH clients.

Pillar data contains:

  • mgr_server: The hostname of the SUSE Manager Server

  • minion_id: The hostname of the client to bootstrap

  • contact_method: The connection type

  • mgr_sudo_user: The user for salt-ssh

  • activation_key: If selected

  • minion_pub: The pre-authorized public client key

  • minion_pem: The pre-authorized private client key

  • proxy_pub_key: The public SSH key that was retrieved from the proxy if the target is an SSH client and a proxy was selected

The roster content contains:

  • hostname

  • user

  • password

  • port

  • remote_port_forwards: the remote port forwarding SSH option

  • ssh_options: other SSH options:

    • ProxyCommand if the client connects through a proxy

  • timeout: defaults to 180 seconds

This image provides an overview of the Salt SSH bootstrap process.

salt ssh bootstrap process
Figure 1. Salt SSH Bootstrap Process

For more information see these code snippets:

Proxy Support

Salt SSH works with SUSE Manager Proxy by chaining the SSH connection from one server or proxy to the next. This is also known as a multi-hop or multi-gateway SSH connection.

salt ssh proxy multi hop

SUSE Manager uses ProxyCommand to redirect SSH connections through proxies. This options invokes an arbitrary command that is expected to connect to the SSH port on the target host. The SSH process uses standard input and output of the command to communicate with the remote SSH daemon.

ProxyCommand replaces a TCP/IP connection. It does not perform any authorization or encryption. Its role is simply to create a byte stream to the remote SSH daemon port.

This image depicts a client connecting to a server that is behind a gateway. In this example netcat is used to pipe port 22 of the target host into the SSH standard input/output:

salt ssh proxycommand

The Salt SSH calls run in this sequence when a proxy is in use:

  1. SUSE Manager initiates the SSH connection.

  2. ProxyCommand uses SSH to create a connection from the server to the client through the proxies.

This example uses ProxyCommand with two proxies and the ssh-push method:

# Connect the server to the first proxy:
/usr/bin/ssh -i /srv/susemanager/salt/salt_ssh/mgr_ssh_id -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o User=mgrsshtunnel  proxy1

# Connect the first proxy to the second, and forward standard input/output on the client to client:22 using the `-W` option:
/usr/bin/ssh -i /var/lib/spacewalk/mgrsshtunnel/.ssh/id_susemanager_ssh_push -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o User=mgrsshtunnel -W client:22  proxy2
salt ssh push push plain sequence

This example uses ProxyCommand with two proxies and the ssh-push-tunnel method:

# Connect the server to the first proxy:
/usr/bin/ssh -i /srv/susemanager/salt/salt_ssh/mgr_ssh_id -o User=mgrsshtunnel  proxy1

# Connect the first proxy to the second:
/usr/bin/ssh -i /home/mgrsshtunnel/.ssh/id_susemanager_ssh_push -o User=mgrsshtunnel  proxy2

# Connect the second proxy to the client and open an reverse tunnel (-R 1233:proxy2:443) from the client to the HTTPS port on the second proxy:
/usr/bin/ssh -i /home/mgrsshtunnel/.ssh/id_susemanager_ssh_push -o User=root -R 1233:proxy2:443 client

# Connect the client to itself and forward the standard input/output of the server to the SSH port of the client (-W client:22).
This is equivalent to `ssh ... proxy2 netcat client 22`` and is needed because SSH does not allow both the reverse tunnel (-R 1233:proxy2:443) and the standard input/output forward (-W client:22) in the same command.
/usr/bin/ssh -i /root/.ssh/mgr_own_id -W client:22 -o User=root client
salt ssh push push tunnel sequence

Users and SSH Key Management

To connect to a proxy, the parent server or proxy uses a specific user called mgrsshtunnel. When mgrsshtunnel connects, the SSH configuration of the proxy will force the execution of `/usr/sbin/mgr-proxy-ssh-force-cmd. This is a simple shell script that allows only the execution of scp, ssh, or cat commands.

The connection to the proxy or client is authorized using SSH keys in this sequence:

  1. The server connects to the client and to the first proxy using the key in `/srv/susemanager/salt/salt_ssh/mgr_ssh_id.

  2. Each proxy has its own key pair in `/home/mgrsshtunnel/.ssh/id_susemanager_ssh_push.

  3. Each proxy authorizes the key of the parent proxy or server.

  4. The client authorizes its own key.

salt ssh push ssh keys

Repository Access with a Proxy

When SUSE Manager connects to a repository using a proxy, it can use either ssh-push or ssh-push-tunnel.

In both methods the client connects to the proxy to retrieve package and repository information.

In the ssh-push method, the package manager connects directly to the proxy using HTTP or HTTPS. This works in cases where there is no firewall between the client and the proxy that blocks HTTP connections initiated by the client.

salt ssh push repo access

In the ssh-push-tunnel method, the HTTP connection to the proxy is redirected through a reverse SSH tunnel.

salt ssh push tunnel repo access

Proxy Setup

When the spacewalk-proxy package is installed on the proxy, the mgrsshtunnel user is created.

The initial configuration with occurs using this sequence:

  1. An SSH key pair is generated, or an existing keypair is imported.

  2. The SSH key of the parent server or proxy is retrieved to authorize it on the proxy.

  3. The ssh daemon on the proxy is configured to restrict the mgrsshtunnel user. This is done by the mgr-proxy-ssh-push-init script, which is called from It does not have to be manually invoked.

The parent key is retrieved by calling an HTTP endpoint on the parent server or proxy. The first endpoint tried is https://$PARENT/pub/ If the parent is a proxy then this will return the public SSH key of the proxy.

If a 404 error is received from that endpoint, then the parent is assumed to be a server not a proxy, and https://$PARENT/rhn/manager/download/saltssh/pubkey is tried instead.

If an SSH key exists at /srv/susemanager/salt/salt_ssh/ on the server it is returned.

If the public key does not exist because salt-ssh has not been invoked yet, a key will be generates by calling the mgrutil.ssh_keygen runner.

Salt SSH generates a keypair the first time it is invoked with /srv/susemanager/salt/salt_ssh/mgr_ssh_id. The sequence in this section is needed if a proxy is configured before Salt SSH was invoked for the first time.

For more information, see these code snippets: