SUSE Manager Proxy Registration

SUSE Manager Proxy systems are registered as traditional clients or as Salt clients using a bootstrap script. Migrating a traditionally registered Proxy system to a Salt Proxy system is not possible. Re-install the Proxy if you want to switch to Salt.

This procedure describes software channel setup and registering the installed SUSE Manager Proxy with an activation key as a SUSE Manager client.

Downloading Channels

Before you can select the correct child channels while creating the activation key, ensure you have completely downloaded the SUSE Manager Proxy 4 channel and all the recommended and mandatory SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 channels.

Procedure: Registering the Proxy
  1. Create an activation key based on the SLE-Product-SUSE-Manager-Proxy-4.0-Pool base channel. For more information about activation keys, see Creating Activation Key.

    proxy key
    Figure 1. Proxy Activation Key
  2. From the Child Channels listing select the recommended channels by clicking the include recommended icon:

    • SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP1-Pool

    • SLE-Module-Basesystem15-SP1-Updates

    • SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP1-Pool

    • SLE-Module-Server-Applications15-SP1-Updates

    • SLE-Module-SUSE-Manager-Proxy-4.0-Pool

    • SLE-Module-SUSE-Manager-Proxy-4.0-Updates

      The SLE-Product-SUSE-Manager-Proxy-4.0-Updates channel is mandatory.

      proxy child
      Figure 2. Base and Child Proxy Channel
  3. Modify a bootstrap script for the proxy if needed. If you want to run the proxy on a traditional client (system type Management) uncheck Bootstrap using Salt. Using Salt is the default. For more information about bootstrap scripts, see client-configuration:registration-bootstrap.adoc.

    proxy bootstrap
    Figure 3. Modifying Bootstrap Script
  4. Create the SUSE Manager Tools Repository for bootstrapping, see Create Tools Repository.

  5. Bootstrap the client with the bootstrap script. For more information, see client-configuration:registration-bootstrap.adoc.

  6. For Salt clients, accept the key on the Salt  Keys page by checking the appropriate checkbox. When accepted, it will appear in the Systems  Overview.

  7. Navigate to System Details  Software  Software Channels, and check that the four proxy channels (Pool and Updates for SLE-PRODUCT and SLE-MODULE) plus the recommended channels are selected. SLE-PRODUCT-Pool must be the base channel and the others are child channels.

    sles15 proxy channels
    Figure 4. Proxy Channels

Continue with setting up the registered SUSE Manager: proxy-setup.adoc.