Configuration Menu

Only Configuration Administrators or SUSE Manager Administrators see the Main Menu  Configuration pages.

Within the configuration pages, you can manage systems using configuration files, and configure channels offering configuration files, and configuration files themselves. Centrally-managed files are available to multiple systems, while locally-managed files are available to individual systems only.

Differences of System Types

Configuration Management is available for both traditionally and Salt clients. Some traditional features are not suitable for Salt clients, and thus not available and excluded from the Web UI.

Configuration Management for Salt

This matrix shows supported and unsupported configuration management features.

Missing Web UI Options

Several Web UI tabs will be missing for Salt Configuration Management. These features are not suitable for Salt clients.

Table 1. Salt Configuration Management
Configuration Management Features Salt Support Status

Global Configuration Channels


Deploying Files


Comparing Files

Supported (but the logic is currently inverted)

Locally Managed Files


Sandbox Files


Applying the Highstate

Apply the highstate and configuration channels will be deployed to all subscribed systems.

File Import from a Client


Configuration Macros


Preparing Systems for Configuration Management [Management]

To manage traditional client configuration with SUSE Manager, the client must have the appropriate tools and the config-enable file installed. These tools will be available if you installed the system with the configuration management functionality using AutoYaST or Kickstart. If not, they can be found in the Tools child channel for your distribution. Download and install the latest mgr-cfg* packages:

  • mgr-cfg — the base libraries and functions needed by all mgr-cfg-* packages,

  • mgr-cfg-actions — the RPM package required to run configuration actions scheduled via SUSE Manager,

  • mgr-cfg-client — the RPM package with a command line interface to the client features of the Configuration Management system,

  • mgr-cfg-management — the RPM package with a command line interface used to manage SUSE Manager configuration.

Installation of these packages can also be accomplished during bootstrapping if you enable Configuration File Deployment on the Details page of the activation key after creating that activation key. For more information about activation keys, see: Managing Activation Keys