Supported Client Systems

Supported operating systems for traditional and Salt clients are listed in this table.

In this table, indicates that clients running the operating system are supported by SUSE, and indicates that it is not supported. Fields marked as are under consideration, and may or may not be supported at a later date.

Supported Versions and SP Levels

Client operating system versions and SP levels must be under general support (normal or LTSS) to be supported with SUSE Manager. For details on supported product versions, see

Table 1. Supported Client Systems
Operating System Architecture Traditional Clients Salt Clients

SUSE Linux Enterprise 15

x86_64, POWER, IBM Z, ARM

SUSE Linux Enterprise 12

x86_64, POWER, IBM Z, ARM

SUSE Linux Enterprise 11

x86, x86_64, Itanium, IBM POWER, IBM Z

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server-ES 7


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server-ES 6


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server for SAP

x86_64, POWER

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 8


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6

x86, x86_64

CentOS 7

x86, x86_64

CentOS 6

x86, x86_64

openSUSE Leap 15.1


Ubuntu 16.04


Ubuntu 18.04
