Patch Details

If you click the advisory of a patch in the Relevant or All pages, its Patch Details page appears. This page is further divided into the following tabs:


This subtab displays the patch report issued by SUSE. It provides a synopsis of the patch first (with the severity as a textual prefix in case of security updates, such as “critical”, “important”, “moderate”, or “low”), issue date, and any update dates. This is followed by a description of the patch and the steps required to resolve the issue.

Below the Affected Channels label, all channels that contain the affected package are listed. Clicking a channel name displays the Packages subtab of the Channel Details page for that channel. Refer to Patch Details for more information.

Security updates list the specific vulnerability as tracked by This information is listed below the CVEs label.

OVAL is an open vulnerability and assessment language promoted by Mitre, Clicking the link below the Oval label downloads this information to your system.

More useful are the SUSE Update Advisories at


This page provides links to each of the updated RPMs by channel. Clicking the name of a package displays its Package Details page.

Affected Systems

This page lists systems affected by the patches. You can apply updates here. (See Applying Patches.) Clicking the name of a system takes you to its System Details page. Refer to System Details for more information.

To determine whether an update has been scheduled, refer to the Status column in the affected systems table. Possible values are: N/A, Pending, Picked Up, Completed, and Failed. This column identifies only the last action related to a patch. For example, if an action fails and you reschedule it, this column shows the status of the patch as pending with no mention of the previous failure. Clicking a status other than N/A takes you to the Action Details page. This column corresponds to one on the Patch tab of the System Details page.