SD Remote Command

This subtab allows you to run remote commands on the selected system. Before doing so, you must first configure the system to accept such commands.

  1. On SLE clients, subscribe the system to the SUSE Manager Tools child channel. Then use Zypper to install the rhncfg, rhncfg-client, and rhncfg-actions packages, if not already installed:

    zypper in rhncfg rhncfg-client rhncfg-actions

    On RHEL clients, subscribe the system to the Tools child channel, and use yum to install the rhncfg, rhncfg-client, and rhncfg-actions packages, if not already installed:

    yum install rhncfg rhncfg-client rhncfg-actions
  2. Log in to the system as root and add the following file to the local SUSE Manager configuration directory: allowed-actions/scripts/run.

    • Create the necessary directory on the target system:

      mkdir -p /etc/sysconfig/rhn/allowed-actions/script
    • Create an empty run file in that directory to act as a flag to SUSE Manager, signaling permission to allow remote commands:

      touch /etc/sysconfig/rhn/allowed-actions/script/run

When the setup is complete, refresh the page to view the text boxes for remote commands. Identify a specific user, group, and timeout period, and the script to run. Select a date and time to execute the command, then click Schedule or add the remote command to an action chain. For more about action chains, see reference:schedule/action-chains.adoc.