Advanced Search for Patches

The Main Menu  Patches  Advanced Search page allows you to search through patches by specific criteria.

patches advanced search patches
  • All Fields — Search patches by synopsis, description, topic, or solution.

  • Patch Advisory — The name or the label of the patch.

  • Package Name — Search particular packages by name:


    Results will be grouped by advisory. For example, searching for 'kernel' returns all package names containing the string kernel, grouped by advisory.

  • CVE — The name assigned to the security advisory by the Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) project at For example:


To filter patch search results, check or uncheck the boxes next to the type of advisory:

  • Bug Fix Advisory — Patches that fix issues reported by users or discovered during development or testing.

  • Security Advisory — Patches fixing a security issue found during development, testing, or reported by users or a software security clearing house. A security advisory usually has one or more CVE names associated with each vulnerability found in each package.

  • Product Enhancement Advisory — Patches providing new features, improving functionality, or enhancing performance of a package.